The story of Felicia who suffers from Eczema
“Though it’s just a skin condition, I don’t think people really know how challenging it is to be fine one day and then wake up covered with rashes the next,” remarks Felicia Yang, a student with eczema, “It can really ruin your day, especially your confidence.” As a current high school junior, Felicia has dealt with eczema for nearly ten years now, first experiencing symptoms when she was in preschool. Initially, her parents treated it as an allergic reaction, but soon, they realized it was something more chronic. Sometimes the scabbing worsened to the point where she could not bend her knees or elbows - let alone, approach a group of people without receiving a look of disdain. “I wasn’t teased upfront.” she recounts, “but I knew what people were staring at and what was going through their minds. I had friends, but my appearance was still a huge obstacle.”
By middle school, her symptoms quelled, but they were still unpredictable. Doctor prescribed medications seemed to work, but every once in a while, a product would result in a bad reaction. “The thing about my skin is it’s extremely sensitive. I tend to lean away from extremely ‘artificial’ medications since I’m not a huge fan of them. In fact, sometimes Aloe Vera from my backyard is the best treatment for me.” To this day, Felicia still struggles with accepting her eczema, but her increasing use of natural treatments has definitely stabilized the symptoms. Before a rash fully appears, she applies a homemade cream, and most of the time, it works. “Ultimately, what I look for in any treatment is that it’s natural. Since eighth grade, I’ve always liked being familiar with what I’m exactly using, so - in short - the simpler the better.” Additionally, she claims credibility also matters too: “Whether it’s reading blog posts, reading forums, or even asking my cousin with eczema, just having trust and research makes me so much more comfortable and relieved.”
Felicia was eager to try our TOPIC SKIN Face & Body Cream. Not only are the reviews positive, but she’s excited by the ingredients as well, including rhubarb extract, shea butter, and other botanicals. “The best part about this cream is, I think, the rhubarb. I’ve tried this in a homemade cream before, and it actually relieves. It’s natural, and the research agrees - if you don't trust me. So, in my book, this is a win-win for sure.”
After trying the product
For the past two months, Felicia, an eczema patient, used our TOPIC SKIN Face & Body Cream. Periodically in order to relieve her condition’s symptoms. Here is an update on her progress, and below, she has described each aspect of the product’s quality and her personal experiences with it:
First Impression: “Initially, the texture of the cream felt thicker than usual but I quickly got used to it. The scent is amazing as well as the cream’s color. The cream definitely felt high quality, and even my mom, a skincare fanatic, was impressed with the quality. I really like the packaging too”.
First Week of Use: “I think during my first week of use my skin was relatively calm. I didn’t really have any symptoms at all, probably because I stayed indoor more and I wasn’t stress because it was summer break. But I remember - maybe Thursday or Friday - I felt a rash coming up, and I quickly applied the cream. The next few nights my skin felt more moisturized, and thankfully the rash never came because I had a wedding next week.”
First Month of Use: “The cream relieved or maybe even prevented - I would say - at least 80% of my sudden outbreaks. Like during the first week, whenever I felt it in my gut, I would just constantly apply the cream and other homemade medications to try to prevent the rash. Like any other cream, some days were just bad days, but I’m honestly impressed with this cream’s effectiveness. It’s not that costly, and above all, it’s natural. When we had wildfires nearby, the air pollutants probably irritated my skin a lot, but this cream soothed the rashes and did not inflame my extremely sensitive skin at all.”
The Future: “In my anti-eczema arsenal, this weapon will definitely be staying. It fits all my criterion - affordable, natural, and effective. If Kamedis has any other similar products, I’ll definitely purchase them. I like the transparency with each product. I like to research before I use, and so does my mom. If this product can get my mom’s stamp of approval, then it is definitely worth it.”